Sign up to give a weekly, tax-deductible donation from your paycheck. This is the best way to make the biggest impact.
- Click "Enroll Now" and log into HRConnect
- Click on “Show More”
- Click on “Manage Personal Contributions
- On the Personal Contribution page, click on the pencil on the right side to edit amount
- Enter the amount you would like deducted
- You can also change the Start Date and/or End Date
- Click “OK”, then click “Submit”
Every donation is guaranteed to help a Staples associate in need. A one-time donation is a valuable way you can contribute.
Donate NowThis option is available if you want to help but don’t want to donate online. Your donation will contribute to an associate in need.
US Retail Share Fund
500 Staples Drive MS: E5A
Framingham, MA 01702
If you are ready to make a bigger difference you can easily increase your contribution by clicking here.